• Expert Perspectives

Lang Jinghe

Lang Jinghe

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chief Physician

Specialties: Diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis, reproductive tract malformations, gynecologic tumors and difficult gynecological diseases.

Dr. Lang has been practicing medical treatment, teaching and research in obstetrics and gynecology for nearly 50 years. He has extensive clinical experience and comprehensive skills. He has studied the pathogenesis of endometriosis and proposed the "in-position endometrial determinism" and "source treatment" theories.

Expert opinion

The highest level of surgery is no surgery, less surgery or minor surgery (minimally invasive). As one of the minimally invasive and non-invasive treatment technologies, high-intensity focused ultrasound technology (HIFU) meets the criteria of standardized, individualized, minimally invasive and people-oriented surgery. This technology has gained great recognition and development in the 21st century. Academician Lang Jinghe pointed out that the guidelines for HIFU treatment of uterine fibroids were developed in China. China is five to eight years ahead of developed countries in focused ultrasound ablation. HIFU has been clinically proven to be safe, non-invasive and effective!